District 1 Zoom meeting details

Good morning, everyone!

Welcome to October, we made it! This is a year for celebrating even the smallest of goals so, congrats on making it this far through this crazy school year. I hope we are all finding our patterns and grooves and impacting students and taking care of ourselves, too.

I have scheduled a Zoom Meeting for next Monday (October 12th) at 6pm CST for us to meet with Kristen and discuss any lingering doubts or concerns about the upcoming Regional Festival. Please have already looked over the documents I've sent previously as well as the slideshow I sent last time - answers to most questions can be located in those resources. 

Jason Blanks is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: District One - Regional Meeting (Take Two)
Time: Oct 12, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 7101 4066
Passcode: D1Meetup

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in their little Zoom box but if you're not able to attend, just let us know. I'll record the session and send it out to everyone after as well.  I don't anticipate this taking too long but I've set aside an hour for the call.

In the interest of time, let's limit this call to just sponsors. The students are working on ways to connect with your student leadership and our first Thespian Thursday event was pretty successful. My students may have  a Google form that they will want your student leadership to fill out - I'll forward that to you and then you can forward it on to them.

Thanks and I'll see you Monday! Give me a GOT IT so I can begin to figure out how many folks will be appearing - and, if you want tacos, you'll need to supply your own this year, sorry.


Update 11.9.20

September 24th update WITH SLIDESHOW!